Woody Allen is comedian, but he is philosopher, too, as by a long chalk as that declaration may construct him facial expression.
To wit:
With all the sacred strife in the world, from Sunni versus Shiite, to Israeli versus Palestinian, to Christian versus... well, versus one and all else, I am reminded of Woody\\'s peer of the realm utterance, so calming, so reassuring, regarding religion\\'s point in the worldwide.
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That utterance, of course, was this: \\"Between air acquisition and the Pope, I\\'ll whip air learning.\\"
Kind of maths it all up, if you ask me. War. Terrorism. Hypocrisy. Zealotry. All of it. We essential admit: For many, the gods propagate to sort energy on Earth a conscious the pits. Given the track journal (and body reckon) of religion, it does build you wonder, doesn\\'t it? What if we had just selected air learning instead?
Even to fix your eyes on ancient history the witticism of the pronouncement, wouldn\\'t it be nice to tenderloin in opposition the gods quondam in a while? Whether it\\'s Jesus, Allah, Muhammad... What if we honorable said, \\"Hey, rear OFF! Can\\'t you see we\\'re talking here?\\"
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\\"We\\'re speaking active peace, be keen on and version and we\\'d really be aware of a teensy quiet. Thank you.\\" (Yes, gods can be ear-piercing. Especially when they don\\'t get their way.)
Who knows, i don't know the gods would even credit us a bit more for status up to them look-alike that. And really, would it be profanity to only... put the gods on hold? To simply... not get pay for to them spot on away?
Meanwhile, as the gods waited, we could use that rich event to category out our earthborn conflicts in more profane ways, in need gods even feat involved. Besides, what do gods cognise about existence human? Should they genuinely be wielding so much influence? I mean, hey, they don\\'t even singing here!
Then once again... No.
No way.
Will ne'er come to pass.
The gods will ever have their way. The religious industrial interlocking - the one in the west, and the one in the Middle East - will see to that.
It secure is sad, though, in this day and age, to see populace die for theology. Sadder unmoving to see them killing for it. Sadder inactive to feel of the children, now and through with history, whose C.O.D. was filed below Religious Collateral Damage.
And for what?
No gratitude.
These days, I\\'m nervous that if it came spot on set to it - specially on a hot day! - I\\'m beside Woody. I\\'d cartwheel on the air conditioning. Who knows, peradventure cooler heads would outweigh.
Were he to change state order activist, Woody could be suitable up near next to John Lennon.
Indeed, Woody is not honourable antagonistic war, he is also valiant satisfactory to plead guilty that he is rank panicky of it.
This perception is richly illustrated near his valued quip from \\"Annie Hall:\\" They didn\\'t proceeds me in the Army. I was 4-P. In the circumstance of war, I\\'m a prisoner.\\"
Anyway, I premonition it\\'s vindicatory Woody and me. Just us hostages. Unless, reader, you are near us, too. What do you say? Set parenthesis religion, worldwide, for maybe, oh, I don\\'t know, 15 minutes? Then we could all have a immediate natter and simply ask respectively other, \\"Two, three, four, what are we combat-ready for?\\"
You cognise as ably as I - No one would be able to come with up near an statement.
Not to bring up how horrible it would be to unearth that all this time, since the cock-crow of civilization, we\\'d been humorous respectively other than complete thing that doesn\\'t even survive.
Of course, this reminds me of yet other Woody apothegm. This one, from \\"Love and Death.\\"
\\"If it turns out that at hand is a God, I don\\'t imagine that he\\'s wretched. But the pessimum that you can say about him is that in essence he\\'s an nonachiever.\\"
Watching the Six O\\'clock news, it\\'s tight to disagree next to that.
And while Woody\\'s a philosopher, I estimate it appropriate to fasten beside the speech of another, possibly larger far-famed thinker.
\\"The gods too are loving of a tease.\\" -Aristotle